Welcome to Galenreads!

This will be my ongoing repository for writing projects, pop culture musings and of course, updates on my novel "Ka-Ru: The Overthrow". (I'm sure the latter is no surprise if you found your way here via my trail of bread crumbs from "karulegends.com" or one of several author pages out there in the Galen sphere).

This blog is about being both informative and fun. With emphasis on FUN. So for the most part, I'll refrain from explosive topics that can turn readers against one another. This is not because I lack passion regarding the subjects of global warming, gun control, Donald Trump, abortion, illegal immigration, etc. I have a voracious opinion on all of those things, believe you me.  But the way I see it, my readers are my guests and my guests aren't dropping by so that I can shove my political views down their throats. And since you asked,  being a fantasy author does not an expert make when it comes to global affairs. So my opinions on such matters---many of which might in uninformed opinions---are no more valuable than any other Joe on the street.

That being said, it's inevitable that my views on hot topics will leak eventually as I'm no watertight vessel. And you will hear strong opinions on other things...say, the merits of the latest Star Trek film for example. So...you know...there's that.

"KA-RU: The Overthrow" is a good place to start. This is a series with the upcoming Book Two titled "Stirrings of the Beast".  (I'm so tempted to abbreviate it as SOB, but I think we'll go with SOTB).

At the moment, there's no set release date for SOTB, but approximate launch is roughly a year. Updates will be posted here and on karulegends.com

That's it for this first post. Thanks to all who are starting this epic fantasy journey with me. I'm sure we'll pick up more passengers on this car trip, so prepare to slide over every so often. :)

All my best wishes, ---Galen


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